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CALENDAR season 24/25

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Creation 2024!

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The Angel's Spleen

After the creation of the first version of the show under the name Fucking Eternity , we are preparing the final version, very different from the first version, under the title: Le spleen de l'ange.
Creation for angels, humans and puppets.



We are welcomed in rehearsals at La Cour Scène vivante - Clermont Ferrand, at the Théâtre de la Croix Rousse - Lyon, at the Scène Nationale Malakoff Théâtre 71, at the Tas de Sable in Amiens, at the Théâtre de Gascogne. Thank you for their welcome.


The Courtyard, Living Scene, Clermont-Ferrand

15 > 26.10.2024

City Theatre – Paris – Les Abbesses


Morlaix Country Theatre

13 > 15.11.2024

Theater 71 – Malakoff national stage

The Amour(s) cycle is back on tour

Creation 2023


14 & 15.11.2024
MC2: Grenoble House of Culture, National Stage

Liberty Theater Châteauvallon Toulon, National Stage

Creation 2019

Christophe Raynaud de Lage - HEN - 2.jpg

23 > 27.11.2024

Liberty Theater Châteauvallon Toulon, National Stage


Transversales – Verdun Conventioned Scene


The Odyssey – Périgueux Conventional Stage


The 140 – Brussels, Belgium

Project for teenagers

Creation 2020


> Traveling version

12 > 16.09.2024 MAIF Social Club – Paris
03 & 04.10.2024 Community of communes Erdre & Gesvres – Grandchamp-des–Fontaines
10 > 15.10.2024 Théâtre du Nord – CDN Lille Tourcoing Hauts-de-France
06 & 07.11.2024 Le Quai – CDN Angers Pays de la Loire & THV – Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
11/18/2024 Jean Moulin High School – Torcy – Autumn at the High School program of the Autumn Festival in Paris
11/19/2024 Louis Aragon Theater – Tremblay-en-France Conventioned Stage
21 & 22.11.2024 Pertuis Theater
26 > 28.11.2024 Namur Theater, Belgium
02 > 05.12.2024 Montargoise Agglomeration And Loing Bank - Montargis
09 > 13.12.2024 L’Astrada – Marciac
07 > 10.01.2025 La Fleuriaye Theater – Carquefou
13 > 16.01.2025 Morlaix Country Theater
06 & 07.02.2025 Christian Liger Theater – Nîmes
10 & 11.02.2025 Le Cratère, National Stage – Alès
17 > 21.02.2025 Gascony Theater – Saint-Pierre-du-Mont
26 > 28.02.2025 The Volcano, National Stage – Le Havre
03 & 04.03.2025 Le Champilambart – Vallet
06 & 07.03.2025 The Quatrain – Haute-Goulaine
10 & 11.03.2025 Scène des Pays – Mauges Conventioned Stage
13 & 14.03.2025 Le Strapontin – Pont-Scorff
17 > 21.03.2025 Champ au Roy Theater – Guingamp
24 & 25.03.2025 The Dome – Saint-Avé
27 & 28.03.2025 L’Astrolabe – Figeac
31.03 > 01.04.2025 Pôle Sud Cultural Center – Chartres-de-Bretagne
03 & 04.04.2025 L'Améthyste – Crozon
07 > 11.04.2025 Arts Space – National Stage of Chalon-sur-Saône
04/18/2025 Morteau Municipal Theater
22 > 25.04.2025 Le Grand R – National stage of La-Roche-sur-Yon
28 > 30.04.2025 Scenes & Cinemas – Istres
14 & 15.05.2025 Jean-François Voguet Theater – Fontenay-sous-Bois
19 > 23.05.2025 Théâtre du Nord – CDN Lille Tourcoing Hauts-de-France

> Tray version

08.11.2024 The Quay – CDN Angers Pays de la Loire
08.02.2025 Christian Liger Theater – Nîmes
05 > 07.03.2025 L'Etincelle – Rouen
04.04.2025 Arts Space – National Stage of Chalon-sur-Saône
04/17/2025 Morteau Municipal Theater

Laboratory, research


A Fab-lab project in collaboration with Artcéna.

Residency from December 3 to 7, 2024

The Trestles of France CDN

Presentation of the project on December 13 and 14

Residency from January 30 to February 6, 2025

Blois National Scene - Festival

Lab presentation on February 6th

Unpublished text by Lisianne Durand
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