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SEASON 23-24


See our shows and our mediation activities this season in Clermont-Ferrand.

Fucking Eternity

- Residency at La Cour des 3 coquins from January 15 to 28, 2024

- Presentation of an extract from the work in progress during La Cour en Chantier: January 20, 2024

Creation at Sémpahore in Cébazat on MARCH 7, 2024.

Production Romette Theater

Co-production The Croix Rousse Theater - Lyon / The Cébazat Semaphore / The Malakoff National Stage / The Forbach National Stage.

Partnership: The Court of the 3 Rascals, live stage.

Hen is the first show in which I dare to sing on stage. Following this creation that I still perform on tour, I wanted to continue this exploration of the voice, of the relationship with the public through a new form and a new character: An angel.

An angel falls from the sky
Lands on stage
A platform for a usually invisible being.

But the Angel confesses.
He can't stand eternity anymore
He can't stand immortality anymore
It's long, it's boring, it's endless!
listening to the little worries of humans for decades
it's exhausting!
Seeing them reproduce the same aberrations
War, Ecology, Politics...
Angel's life is no picnic!
It's exhausting to be immortal.

His voice rises, lyrical and insolent.
through a free pop rock oratorio
in which he traces his journey through the generations,
his encounters with different humans.
Mockery, irony, satire, insolence...

A multifaceted character,
it combines the real with the irrational.
He's an Angel, he wants to prove it
(major legitimacy concerns)

But this Angel desires the ephemeral...
Can't stand being immortal anymore
Would he need to taste a finitude to better appreciate life?
Does he envy us?
Maybe he wants to become mortal?

Embodying an angel is transgressive, I confess. The purpose of the show is not religious. It is a cabaret angel to bring out insolence and play with life, death, the earthly and the spiritual. Live performance is certainly the most suitable place to make the possible and the impossible coexist to generate pleasure and active and collective thought.

Unlike HEN, the Angel will not be a puppet. It seems more relevant to me this time that this character is strangely human but with a lot of plastic work half mask and plastic costumes between the universe of Tim Burton and Björk.

A strange human-angel capable of doing things a human is not supposed to be able to do.

For this, I want to work with the tools of new magic. Technical effects that allow magical effects hidden in the dramaturgy outside the traditional magic act. Playing with the spectator's gaze through his definition of the real and the imaginary.

Johanny Bert / June 2023 / creation in progress

Learn more about the show: Click here

Trainings    (in progress, contact us)

The text process by Catherine Verlaguet

Performances with La Cour, live stage in high schools in the city. Contact us

Learn more about the show, click here.


Research laboratory on the next creation of the Company

Other events (training sessions, creative residencies and laboratories) are built over the season.

Currently being updated...

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