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SEASON 18 - 19

Based in Clermont-Ferrand since 2016 at La Cour, scène vivante, the company carries out work season after season of implementation, of meetings with different audiences through the presentation of its creations. Around the times of research, laboratories and creations, the team carries out in parallel, actions of mediation, of awareness with different audiences.

On this page you will find the presentation of some actions, courses open to curious spectators.




With the COP Theater students of the Emmanuel Chabrier Conservatory in Clermont-Ferrand from October 15 to 26

Writing and creation for young audiences.

Play laboratory around writing for young audiences with different speakers: Magali Mougel (author), Dominique Berody (creator of relays between authors and artists - Edition Heyoka Jeunesse) Thomas Gornet (author-actor) Johanny Bert (director)


Presentation of the work on October 26 at the conservatory.




DIALOGUE - Chantier professionnel 

Du lundi 29 octobre au vendredi 2 novembre 2018


Ce chantier initié par la Cie est une proposition d'expérimentations entre artistes sous forme de partage d’expériences ouvert aux comédiens, auteurs, danseurs, circassiens, techniciens et artistes hybrides de la région. Une proposition simple construite comme un temps de partage, d'interrogations, permettant des rencontres avec bienveillance et désir.

Chaque journée est pris en charge par un-e artiste intervenant-e (ou duo constitué) qui propose de partager une pratique qu'il-elle maitrise ainsi que sa démarche. Chaque conducteur-rice de journée devient à son tour participant-e aux autres journées.


Pour plus de renseignements, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter

Email : 

Lieu : La Cour des Trois Coquins - scène vivante, 23 rue Agrippa d'Aubigné, Clermont-Ferrand.

28 participants

Reportage photo réalisé durant la semaine du chantier.

Photo: Chantier "Dialogue" initié par le Théâtre de Romette/Johanny Bert 

DECEMBER 2018 / MARCH 2019


adult public project

HEN is a pronoun that entered the Swedish dictionary in 2015 and can refer to either a man or a woman. It is notably used in school textbooks experimenting with less discriminatory teaching methods. In our laboratory, HEN is an exuberant, subversive character, a genderless puppet, a raging and virile diva in heels who sings about love, bodies, and sexuality.

This plastic and musical research will be situated between cabaret and performance.

Design and production by Johanny Bert

Eduardo Felix puppet construction

Performers (in progress) Johanny Bert, Cécile Vitrant

Musicians (in progress)

Costume design by Petronille Salomé

The Court of the Three Rascals - live scene, Clermont-Ferrand (63)

Public presentation of the lab on March 9, 2019 - La Cour en Chantier

More information here

January 2019 and April 2019

LABO - ARISTOPHANE (musical theater)

collaboration Théâtre de Romette / Cie les Sea girls

The Court of the Three Rascals - live scene, Clermont-Ferrand (63)



Creation of a series of short films during the two years of construction of the future national stage of Clermont-Ferrand.

The short films are visible in the first part of the usual programming of films at the Cinéma Les Ambiances, Arts et Essai cinema, Clermont-Ferrand.

Directed by Johanny Bert

Images, editing David Chambriard – atalante productions

Sound creation François Leymarie

Manipulation Johanny Bert

Prop technician Thaïs Morel

Construction puppet Christophe Kiss

Production La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand, national stage, Direction Jean-Marc Grangier /Atalante Productions

Production management Florence Furic / Théâtre de Romette. In collaboration with the Les Ambiances cinema in Clermont-Ferrand

More information here

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