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A tour through the company’s past projects


Creation 2016

Co-productions Théâtre de Romette, Théâtre de Sartrouville and Yvelines - CDN

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Commissioned from Magali Mougel, this text on the question of boy/girl identity is a story in two parts.

The spectators are divided into two groups and guided by Leili on one side, Nils on the other. The two characters will then tell their story where it is a question of tastes, preferences, roles to play, place to hold when one is a boy or a girl. At the intermission, the groups are reversed and the spectators meet the other character.

Stories that look at each other and come together like a puzzle to better deconstruct clichés and stereotypes about identity.

Two actors at the service of a sensitive story playing with memories and a few objects. A theater of speech to be played in all types of non-theatrical places as an intimate and playful space for representation.

It all begins in their childhood. Leili was little, she loved adventure games and dreamed of going hunting birds in the forest. Nils, meanwhile, was a rather fragile boy who liked having long hair and feeling it fly in the wind. One day, these two children find themselves side by side, in the same class... As they tell their stories, each one dismantles piece by piece the social mechanics that assign positions, codes and behaviors to children according to their gender.

It is then up to each spectator to reconstruct this puzzle piece as they see fit.

Writing commission from Magali Mougel

Published in the Heyoka Jeunesse collection Actes-Sud-Papiers, 2016

Design and production by Johanny Bert

Performers (alternating) Delphine Léonard, Maïa Le Fourn or Rama Grinberg, and Jonathan Heckel, Julien Bonnet or Jérôme Thibault

Drawings by Michael Ribaltchenko

Accessories and costumes Thibaut Fack

Administration, production, distribution Mathieu Hilléreau, Les Indépendances

Tour management (alternating) Isabelle Monier-Esquis or Marion Sicre

Production Romette Theater

Co-production Sartrouville and Yvelines Theater – CDN


Screenshot 2018-09-02 at

Article by Audrey Santacroce, Festival d'Avignon 2018.

Article on Bulle de Culture

Interview with Johanny Bert on   Festival/Tv festival d'Avignon Off 2017

Other articles and full review contact us.

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