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A tour through the company’s past projects

where your eyes rest



Long Live the Subject (Series 2)
Garden of the Virgin


Photographs: Christophe Renaud-Delage

© Copyright - pour toute utilisation de photos, merci de nous contacter©

A project on the border between live performance and contemporary art installation.

Làoùtesyeuxseposent is a free and playful figure. A hybrid performance without visible actors on stage in which matter, objects have a
autonomy creating a disrupted utopia.
We invite the spectators to be anthropologists for a time in the heart of an allegorical garden that becomes the central puppet character. A living and vibrant landscape, enigmatic and moving, even disturbing, posing the problem of the place of humans in a devastated ecosystem. A dramaturgy that does not seek the story but rather symbolic juxtapositions of images between the Vanities of the 17th century and a baroque chaos in which objects and materials seem autonomous, sometimes mechanical but noticeably porous to each other.
The two actor-manipulators are hidden in the stage module. In a very archaic way, without technology, they create this landscape. Their underground, meticulous, physical and sensitive human action is very present and allows the mutation of the images.
The only visible performer, the musician Thomas Quinart, saxophonist and composer of contemporary music, creates sound sensations on stage in counterpoint to the images. He is the musical witness of this visual poem.

During each performance, from the invisible inside, the two manipulators have a video device on them and film themselves live and continuously. At the exit, the underground film of human actions will be available on the Avignon Festival website with a code word for each performance.
Where your eyes rest is a contemporary, plastic and free Vanity.

At the end of the performance, we give the spectators a password to see their performance from another angle on the internet...Click on the video:

Following the creation in Avignon, we repeated this plastic performance in other places.

The show is now available to play in unusual locations...

FRAC DE DUNKERQUE with Le Bateau Feu, national stage / October 2021

FESTIVAL Theater 14 / Paris / June 2022

FESTIVAL Paris summer / July 2022 / Lycée Jacques Decour Paris 75009

Press selection when creating






Images of times of research, construction, repetitions

The rehearsals and constructions took place at La Cour, a live stage in Clermont-Ferrand and at the Scène Nationale in Dunkirk.


Design and production by Johanny Bert

Performers Faustine Lancel, Thomas Quinart (saxophonist), Johanny Bert

General management and lighting Gilles Richard

Creative Team

Scenography: Amandine Livet

Dramaturgy: Olivia Burton

Construction team in addition to the performers: Guenièvre Lafarge, Pétronille Salomé, Gilles Richard, Christophe Kiss, Anthony Diaz, Fabrice Coudert, Baptiste Klein.

Voiceover: Juliette Allain

Production Romette Theater

Co-productions SACD, Avignon Festival, Le Bateau Feu, Dunkirk National Stage.

Thanks to La Cour des Trois Coquins in Clermont-Ferrand and to the Periscope in Nîmes

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